Kavitha Dutt Chitturi
Kavitha Dutt is a Business Management Graduate from Cedar Crest College, Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA and hails from a well-known industrial house in South India – The KCP Limited. She is currently the Joint Managing Director. KCP is involved in the manufacture of Cement, Heavy Industrial Machinery for Sugar plants, steel and sophisticated high tech equipment for Defence, Space & Nuclear Projects. KCP has presence in Power Generation. KCP also has a Joint Venture with Fives Cail of France, Fives Cail KCP Ltd., for design, procurement, project management, delivery and servicing of process plants for production of sugar including erection and commissioning. KCP operates a Sugar Plant in Vietnam for manufacture of Refined Sugar. KCP has now ventured into hospitality industry with a prestigious star hotel project at Hyderabad which was executed under Kavitha’s stewardship. As Joint Managing Director of The KCP Limited, Kavitha, among other responsibilities, also holds full charge of Human Resource functions of the Group.
She is Chairperson FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry), Tamil Nadu State Council.
Kavitha, was Vice Chairperson of SCWEC, India. SCWEC is a Sub Sector Council of the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry established with the objective of developing and promoting women entrepreneurs in the South Asian region.
She was President of the prestigious Madras Management Association (MMA) and a member of Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), Tamilnadu Chapter.
She is a member of the General Council of National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Hyderabad.
She is the Vice President of World Telugu Federation (WTF) was established with the chief objective of promoting and perpetuating not only the language, culture, art, heritage, traditions but also business of the Telugu people.
Earlier Kavitha was National President of FICCI-FLO, the ladies wing of Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi during 2009-10.
Kavitha, as the Joint Managing Director of The KCP Limited is in the forefront in administering all the educational institutions setup and being run by the group at all the regions that they operate.
Kavitha is a Director on the boards of various prestigious corporations.
An organizer par excellence, she has successfully incorporated and implemented a wide variety of programs and objectives for FLO, MMA, YPO, WTF and other institutions she has been associated with.